반응형 전체 글704 Delete hostname 30 days old in Active Directory powershell Delete hostname 30 days in Active Directory powershell command. It is powershell for 30 days past equipment management Import-Module ActiveDirectory # Only 30 days $ DaysInative = 30 $ InactiveDate = (Get-Date) .Adddays (- ($ DaysInactive)) $ Computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter {LastLogonDate -lt $ InactiveDate -and Enabled -eq $ true} -Properties LastLogonDate | Select-Object Name, LastLogonDate.. 2019. 5. 21. Problem when converting displayname to another character in office365 Hi When converting displayname (notation name) to Hangul in office365, the recipient will appear in Hangul when sending e-mail. If you want to displayname in Korean and want to display it in English, proceed as follows. First you need to turn on the feature called SDN (simpledisplayname). If this is turned on, the value sent to displayname will be sent as the SDN value. Working with powershell G.. 2019. 5. 21. Editing and exploiting powershell AD users Hi I'll give you a command that you can batch edit in a simple way ~ Is it too hard for the user to adjust one by one in the ex-post and extermination AD? So I make a list with CSV and execute the command. After running PowerShell on the AD server $ Users = Import-csv (c: \ filename.csv) foreach ($ User in $ Users) Once you get the csv. I am putting a name, a department, a report line, a notatio.. 2019. 5. 21. Unlimited loading on Windows update 35% Hi Today one PC is infinitely loading in Windows update 35% .. 9 o'clock is still until 11 o'clock. I check the hard LED and it blinks occasionally. I forced a reboot. Then enter F8 safe mode. I'll take 35% here. After 3 hours of forced reboot in standard mode, it will boot. cause. 1. There was no hard disk capacity. So I arranged the hard disk capacity the day before. 2. It took a long time to .. 2019. 5. 21. 이전 1 ··· 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 다음 반응형